The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide – Book

Every budget holder’s essential companion:

This book is invaluable in helping you to manage your budget more effectively. Find out step-by-step all the essential skills and knowledge you need in this practical, jargon-free and easy to understand guide.

You will cover:

  • How your budget was set
  • How to understand financial information
  • What your financial responsibilities are
  • What the financial rules are
  • Whether to accept your budget
  • How to get the best from your accountant
  • Practical ways of saving money from your budget
  • How to make a bid for more money

All the essential skills and knowledge are covered, illustrated throughout by practical examples of direct relevance to everyday management situations.

Recommended to:
Ward and department managers, locality and business managers,
heads of service, clinical directors, all other budget holders in hospital
and community services and finance departments.


Aim and introduction

Part one:

  • What are budgets?
  • Whose budget is it?
  • What is the purpose of budgets?
  • How was my budget set?
  • How is my pay budget calculated?
  • How is my non-pay budget calculated?
  • What do I do if my budget is out of date?
  • Should I agree to my budget?

Part Two:

  • What do accountants do?
  • What are my responsibilities?

Part Three:

  • What do my reports mean?
  • How can financial information be presented?

Part Four:

  • How do I manage my budget?
  • How do I monitor my budget?
  • How do I foresee future problems?
  • Why do budgets overspend and underspend?
  • What can I control in my budget?
  • How do I get more budget to fund my plans?
  • What are the financial rules: If I overspend? If I underspend? If I make a permanent saving? If I want to spend the money on something else?
  • How do I save money from my budget?
  • Case study in interpreting and controlling budgets


ISBN: 0-582-24467-6

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