“A fabulously humorous way of presenting what has always been a daunting subject with a very important underlying message about using the taxpayer’s money wisely – thoroughly enjoyed and very useful.” – The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide – Cambridge

The NHS Budget Holder's Survival Guide - davidbaileyfcca

Another great day running The Budget Holder’s Survival Guide – this time near Cambridge for a large mixed group of NHS staff. Thanks to everyone who made it such a great day.

Evaluation Comments

Comments from today’s event include (with permission gratefully received from each participant):

“A fabulously humorous way of presenting what has always been a daunting subject with a very important underlying message about using the taxpayer’s money wisely – thoroughly enjoyed and very useful.”

“Challenging, informative and interactive. I definitely knew more at the end than I did at the beginning!”

“An informative and practical training on budgets that was easy to understand.”

“Enjoyable, informative , interactive and useful. Would recommend to colleagues.”

“Much better understanding on how to interpret budget statements. Lot less scary!”

“I expected to learn the ‘what is’ and ‘how to’ but left learning the ‘why’ as well! A very useful day. Thanks.”

“Got so much out of the day, easy understanding, light-bulb moments, keen to re-look at my budget (allocation!!) in a different way.”

“I’d highly recommend The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide course for any manager of service or commissioner within the NHS. David has a great way of delivering his messages with humour and fun examples.”

“An enjoyable and informative session to help understanding of budget forecasts and being a budget holder.”

“David was highly engaging throughout the entire day. He made a daunting subject easy to understanding by breaking the concepts down into steps.”

“The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide training day provides a really clear introduction into the interpretations and use of budget statements. This is done in an interactive environment through the use of case studies and worked examples.”

“The training was very enjoyable and informative. It gave me some of the basic information I need as a new budget holder in the NHS. It made me more confident to ask questions and interpret data. It has also helped me understand I need to share the information I have learned with the staff I manage so that we can make good decisions together.”

It’s always interesting to see how people’s confidence in interpreting financial reports can be transformed in just a day. I’ve spent two decades doing finance training within the NHS and have developed a Seven Step Method for interpreting financial reports using seven questions, making three calculations and taking no more than 15 minutes. It works every time.


It’s essential to have a Budgetary Control Policy within your organisation if you’re going to have clear standards of financial support and clear policies for financial practice. Examples of Budgetary Control Policies include:

Lincolnshire Partnership – Budgetary Control Manual
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust – Budgetary Control Policy
Northern, Eastern and Western Devon CCG – Budget Holders Manual

I wish you luck in implementing your Action Plan. Do let me know how you get on. Many thanks to everyone who made the day so successful. Feel free to leave a review below in Leave A Reply. Thank you.

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