PrescQIPP – Business Case Planning and Development Webinar 1 of 4

Business Case Planning Webinar 1

Many thanks to everyone who attended my Business Case Planning and Development Webinar for PrescQIPP this afternoon. It was a pleasure to have your company.

We went on a journey through the business planning process starting with the importance of mission statements and then looking at the skills of a planner by using STEEPLE to identify the main forces impacting on your ability to carry on providing safe and effective services. We then had a look at how you might use the STEEPLE analysis to identify some solutions to the factors impacting on you.

Webinar Materials

The presentation is available here:
Business Case Planning and Development PDF

My pro-formas of the business planning tools we covered are here:
Business Planning Tools Word

Other useful materials include:
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy – Making the Business Case PDF
KPMG Business Planning Sourcebook PDF
KPMG Business Planning Sourcebook PowerPoint
NHS Capital Investment Manual PDF
Cabinet Office Strategy Survival Guide – Summary PDF
Cabinet Office Strategy Survival Guide PDF

I look forward to our next session together.

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