“Excellent study day – best of all I have attended in many years” – Winning NHS Tenders – Cambridge

Winning NHS Tenders

Today’s Winning NHS Tenders event in Cambridge was a chance to learn from the experience of creating NHS tenders for clinical services. In the past few years I’ve written, edited, challenged or presented successful NHS tenders for four counties of Child and Adolescent Mental Health services, Addictions Services, Children’s Speech and Language Therapy, Eating Disorders and Improving Access to Psychological Therapies among many others.

Evaluation Comments

The evaluation comments from today’s event include (with written permission gratefully received):

“Excellent study day – best of all I have attended in many years”Mo Amin, GP Lead

“I will feel much more confident in working on a tender submission for my federation. A very enjoyable and informative session. Many thanks!”Adrian O’Reilly, Director Cambridgeshire GP Network

“Good reflection of the reality of bid work. Really useful for non-commercial staff. Would be good if training was offered more widely – particularly service managers / clinical leads.”
Emma Louise Clayton, Bid Manager, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Workshop Materials

Finding Tenders

Contracts Finder

Public Contract Regulations 2015

EU procurement directives and the UK regulations

Standard Selection Questionnaire

Selection Questionnaire

Presentation Slides

2017-03-15 Winning NHS Tenders – handout

I wish the delegates all the best in creating successful tenders to improve services to their patients and clients. Many thanks to everyone involved for such a positive day. Feel free to leave a review of the day below.


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