“David’s style and humour and pace brings a potentially dull subject to life” – Making the Business Case – Cambridge

Making the Business Case

Many thanks to all the participants who attended the Making the Business Case event in Cambridge today. It was a pleasure to have your company.

The Programme for Making the Business Case can be found here.

Evaluation Comments

Here are just some of the evaluation comments from today. All are reproduced with full written permission:

“David is an excellent presenter and kept me focussed and interested throughout the day.”Margaret-Ann Girvan, General Mananger

“Really great. Thank you.” Heather Harman, Practice Manager

“Fantastic informative day. Bringing a complicated subject into more understandable terms and how to take forward. Thank you. Looking forward to your next course.”
Jayne Mullett, Operational Coordinator

“The whole day was excellent, very informative.”Celia Hyde, Head of Nursing

“Thank you – the session was educational and I learned new things and consolidated previous learning.”Nadim Noor, Consultant Surgeon

“David’s style and humour and pace brings a potentially dull subject to life; many thanks. Key skills to improve my business cases which will primarily focus on improved staff experience and engagement for better patient care.”Denise Hollinger, Freedom to Speak Up Guardian

“Delivery style excellent and exercises really relevant. A really inclusive day”Liz Ellis, Team Manager

“Very enjoyable course which kept moving and involved good audience participation.”Paula Carr, Business Accountant

“Great session. Thank you.”Hannah Edwards, Strategic OD and HR Manager

“Thank you for making it interactive and engaging.”Sue Graham, Deputy Service Manager


Here are the resources from the day – please use the Username and Password given to you to access them – thank you!

PDF File of the PowerPoint slides from the day.

Making the Business Case – Presentation PDF

Word documents created as pro-formas for your use:

Mission Statement Pro-Forma Word
STEEPLE Pro-Forma Word
SWOT – Pro-Forma Word

Other resources:

KPMG Business Planning Sourcebook PDF
KPMG Business Planning Sourcebook PowerPoint
NHS Capital Investment Manual – Business Case Guide PDF
Cabinet Office – Strategy Survival Guide PDF
Cabinet Office – Strategy Survival Guide – Summary PDF
Making the Business Case – Chartered Society of Physiotherapy PDF

The Green Book is HM Treasury guidance for Central Government, setting out a framework for the appraisal and evaluation of all policies, programmes and projects. It sets out the key stages in the development of a proposal from the articulation of the rationale for intervention and the setting of objectives, through to options appraisal and, eventually, implementation and evaluation. It describes how the economic, financial, social and environmental assessments of a proposal should be combined and aims to ensure consistency and transparency in the appraisal process throughout government.

The Green Book


Please get in touch if you would like any further resources or information.

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