“Superb presenter – presenting a potentially ‘dry’ subject in an informative way with humour.” – Payment by Results In A Nutshell

Payment by Results

Many thanks to everyone who attended my Payment by Results In A Nutshell event today – it was a pleasure to have your company.

The objectives of the day were that by the end of the workshop participants would be able to:

  • Understand the reasons for introducing PbR
  • Explain the PbR process from treatment to payment
  • Identify the importance of accurate clinical coding
  • Explain the way in which the Tariff works

Evaluation Comments

“Superb presenter – presenting a potentially ‘dry’ subject in an informative way with humour.” – D. Thomson, Service Provider Manager

Workshop Materials

Here are the materials from the day together with links to all the topics covered.

2016-08-16 Payment by Results – In A Nutshell PDF

NHS Reference Costs

NHS Tariff

Patient Choice



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