The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide – Open Access Course in London

Most of my training and development work is in-house and through NHS bodies such as NHS Finance Skills Development or Leadership Academies. Access to these events is often limited to a small group of organisations within specific areas of the country who have signed-up to membership of particular bodies. I’m often contacted by people who want to attend my workshops but who can’t because they’re not employed by one of the member organisations. It’s therefore a real pleasure that I’m going to be doing some open access workshops in central London.

I’ll be running The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide at the Hallam Conference Centre in London on Thursday 19 May 2016. All are welcome.

Details of how to book are below – and a full pdf programme is here.

2016-03-16 BHSG

I keep numbers small so everyone gets maximum benefit from the day and places are very limited – please sign up now to avoid disappointment.

For more information contact Healthcare Conferences UK on 01932 429933 or email

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