Writing Tenders – “Excellent trainer, good material, well prepared.”

Writing Tenders

Many thanks to all the participants who attended the Writing Tenders event in Warrington today. It was a pleasure to have your company.

The objectives of the day are that at the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Analyse tender questions effectively;
  • Plan tender answers;
  • Use evidence and experience appropriately;
  • Write answers in an appropriate style.
Evaluation Comments

Here are the evaluation comments from the day, all published with written permission:

“Excellent trainer, good material, well prepared.” – Teresa Doyle, Operational Manager

“Really enjoyed the day. Thank you. Have done about 4 tenders so far and would have found this really useful before the first one.” – Pat McKnight, Operational Manager

“A well presented training day – well done David!” – Linda Farrington, Operational Manager

“I have enjoyed it. I have learned how to write a more positive tender.” – Silvia Ferrer-Valls, Operational Manager


Please get in touch if you would like any further resources or information.

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