“Excellent training day that has improved my budget management confidence.”

The NHS Budget Holder's Survival Guide

Today was a really fulfilling day with an entertaining and challenging group attending The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide in Cambridge.

Evaluation Comments

Comments from today’s event include (with written permission gratefully received from each participant):

“Very good knowledge of subject matter and I feel I have learnt a great deal on today’s course. THANK YOU!” – Angela Coleman, Orthoptic Team Leader, SEPT Community Health Services

“Excellent training day that has improved my budget management confidence.” – Marie Alexander, Training Manager, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

“Wish I had attended your course before.” – Sekaran L., Consultant Physician, Luton & Dunstable Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

“The workshop and practical approach was ideal for my learning style.” – Mary Smith, Speech and Language Therapy Manager, SEPT Community Health Services

It’s always interesting to see how people’s confidence in interpreting financial reports can be transformed in just a day. I’ve spent two decades doing finance training within the NHS and have developed a Seven Step Method for interpreting financial reports using seven questions, making three calculations and taking no more than 15 minutes. It works every time.

Many thanks to everyone who made the day so successful.


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