“Who would have thought an accountant could be a brilliant tutor and funny :)”

The NHS Budget Holder's Survival Guide

Today was a really fulfilling day with an enthusiastic group attending The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide in Cambridge.

Evaluation Comments

Comments from today’s event include (with written permission gratefully received from each participant):

“Excellent day – thank you.” – Jackie Smith, Care Homes Lead Pharmacist, Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group

“Really fun, interactive session in which I learnt a considerable amount. I really wish I had done this course years ago as I would have really benefited. Can now read a financial report quickly!!” – Sharon Gray, Interim Primary Care Development Manager, NHS Cambridgeshire

“Should have this course available more widely.” – Sue Bailey, Senior Clinical Nurse Cancer Research, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

“Very enjoyable and useful workshop. Not one second did I feel bored. Thank you.” – S Lao-Sirieix, Deputy Operations Manager and Trial Co-ordination Team Lead

“Who would have thought an accountant could be a brilliant tutor and funny :)” – Giles Wright, Voluntary Services and Public Engagement Manager, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

“Picked up useful tools and practical techniques.” – Jack Wagstaff, Graduate Trainee, NHS Leadership Academy

“Very lively and enjoyable. David knows how to make a potentially dull subject fun!” – Wendy Bryant, Senior Clinical Nurse, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

“Thoroughly enjoyable, could understand it, did not need a maths degree.” – Seema Moss, Project Manager, West Suffolk Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

“Well presented, at right level, easy to understand. Wish I had it 18 months ago!” – Judith Wright, Family Nurse Partnership Supervisor / Child and School Health Lead, Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust

“Just to say thanks for making it a really interesting and fun day in which I learnt a lot. It was all very useful.” – Sue Rampal, Equality and Diversity Advisor, NHS Cambridgeshire

“Thank you David, finance is a difficult subject to present, you made it rather enjoyable.” – Jennifer Grant, Team Leader Speech and Language Therapy, Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust

It’s always interesting to see how people’s confidence in interpreting financial reports can be transformed in just a day. I’ve spent two decades doing finance training within the NHS and have developed a Seven Step Method for interpreting financial reports using seven questions, making three calculations and taking no more than 15 minutes. It works every time.

Many thanks to everyone who made the day so successful.


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