“Excellent presentation style. David makes rocket science child’s play.”

The NHS Budget Holder's Survival Guide

Another great day running The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide in Brough for the Yorkshire and the Humber SHA.

Evaluation Comments

Comments from today’s event include (with written permission gratefully received from each participant):

“Top course. Extremely useful and a great help in my new job role!” – Tom Amos, Web Development Manager, The Health Informatics Service

“Increase choice of courses Mr Bailey offers – he is a pleasure to learn from.” – Angela Lamming, Service Manager, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

“Wish I had done this years ago. Very easy to understand. Will make a difference to my working life.” – Val Doughty, Assistant Service Manager, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

“Thoroughly useful and enjoyable day. Style of presentation, examples used relating to reality of practice all helped to bring what could have been a very dry topic alive.” –

Debbie Myers, Lead for Nursing and Head of Clinical Effectiveness, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

“Excellent presentation style. David makes rocket science child’s play.” – Vince Larvin, Locality Director

“Best course I have ever attended!! Made a difficult subject easy to understand. Gained a lot of knowledge which I will be able to use every day, but might take more than 5 minutes at a time!!” – Janet Plows, Head of Cleaning Services, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust

“Very enjoyable – taken a great deal of knowledge away.” – Gina Davies, Deputy Head of Cleaning Services, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust

“I feel a light has come on in relation to reading and understanding finance reports. Excellent content and interesting information delivered well. Would recommend to all my colleagues.” – Janet Cairns, Head of Midwifery / Divisional Nurse Manager

It’s always interesting to see how staff’s confidence in interpreting financial reports can be transformed in just a day. I’ve spent two decades doing finance training within the NHS and have developed a Seven Step Method for interpreting financial reports using seven questions, making three calculations and taking no more than 15 minutes. It works every time.

Many thanks to everyone involved.


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