“Just more of all of it!! Very informative.”

PEP finance development

Today’s Provider Excellence Programme provided by The King’s Fund in Essex was a chance for senior NHS managers to improve their capacity for estimating large numbers and to understand the larger economic forces impacting on the country and their organisation.

Evaluation Comments

Comments from today’s event include (with written permission received from each participant):

“Just more of all of it!! Very informative.” – Phillipa Graves, Director of Strategy, Luton and Dunstable NHS Foundation Trust
“You have demystified the jargon related to NHS funding – thank you.” – Jane Young, Lead Nurse / Clinical Nurse Manager Diabetes
“More time! Which is unusual for finance sessions!” – Julie Hichman, Deputy Director of Nursing, Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


OECD Health Report 2012

OECD Health Data 2012
OECD Health Data 2012 – How Does the United Kingdom Compare

NHS Reference Costs

2010-11 reference costs publication

NHS Costing Manual

NHS costing manual 2010-11

NHS Mandatory Tariff

Confirmation of Payment by Results (PbR) arrangements for 2012-13

Many thanks to everyone who participated in such an enjoyable day.


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