“Would recommend David to anyone.”

Finance Skills - Hub Development Session

Many thanks to everyone who attended my Finance Skills event at King’s Mill hospital. It was a pleasure to have your company. Please find below some of the evaluation comments (all reproduced with kind written permission of each delegate) together with the resources from the day.


“Really well delivered and very enjoyable!” – Lauren Leverton, Business Manager, SFH FT
“Great scenarios, well presented – enthusiastic. Would highly recommend! It wasn’t boring at all!!” – Jane Urquhart, IFR Manager, NHS Nottinghamshire County Commissioning Support Hub
“Would recommend David to anyone.” – Maureen Ritchie, Property Management Office, NHS Nottinghamshire County


Confirmation of Payment by Results (PbR) arrangements for 2012-13
Download 2012-13 tariff information spreadsheet (XLS, 2072K)
Download NHS Costing Manual (PDF, 306K)
Reference costs guidance for 2011-12
Finance Skills Hub Development Session Presentation Slides (PDF)


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