“Really informative and fun day.”

The NHS Budget Holder's Survival Guide

It’s always a pleasure to train at the British Racing School. The thoroughbred racehorses are magnificent and the facilities excellent. Today’s The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide was timely reminder of the continuing need for targeted financial training for managers and clinicians on all aspects of budgeting and finance..

Comments from today’s event include (with written permission received from each participant):

“Could David come into my workplace to help implementation of theories and review / follow up outcomes.” – Michael McMahon, Modern Matron, Cambridgeshire Community Services
“Interesting course can take experience away and use information from today. Good group participation.” – Teresa Burden, Sterile Services Manager, Bedford Hospital NHS Trust
“Very enjoyable for a subject I thought I would struggle with and find very dry. Thank you!” – Joanne Radnor, Sexual Health Services Manager, CCS – Luton
“Really informative and fun day. Learnt some French, Latin and history along the way. Thank you.” – Jason Foster, Deputy General Manager – Outpatients, East and North Herts NHS Trust
“Excellent presentation, interaction of group.” – Rachel Hiscock, Breast Imaging Manager, Norfolk and Norwich University NHS Foundation Trust
“Enjoyable and interesting today with usable information for dealing with budgets.” – Elizabeth Harper, Radiology Services Manager, East and North Herts NHS Trust
“Very well presented and an enjoyable day :)” – Debbie Healy, Senior Health Improvement Specialist, NHS North East Essex
“Very engaging and interesting – learnt a lot. Will use the calculator next time I’m checking budgets.” – Laura Cooper, Health Improvement Specialist, NHS North East Essex
“Good mix of interaction and being talked to. Having been a budget holder for 10 years it was good to know my understanding mostly learnt on the run was basically ok. Feeling quite positive.” – Deborah Wooller, Service Lead, Specialist Rehab and Stroke, Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust
“Thanks for clarifying budget holders responsibilities. Easy to understand.” – P White, Acting Stroke Care Team Leader, Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust
“Very good presentation and speaker. I felt out of my depth coming on this course as never been involved with budgets / finance before but it was explained in simple terms in a non-patronising way.” – Babs Foster, Team Leader, Specialist Surgery, Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust

Many thanks to everyone who participated in such an enjoyable day.


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