“Probably the most interesting and useful course ever.”

The NHS Budget Holder's Survival Guide

Comments received from delegates on The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide in York on 7 July 2011:

“An excellent event, clearly presented and made enjoyable by pace of delivery.” Specialised Services Commissioning Manager, Yorkshire and Humber Specialised Commissioning Group
“Interesting and easy to understand. Very worthwhile.” Clinical Physiologist, York Teaching Hospital
“A thoroughly enjoyable day – speaker made a difficult subject much easier to interpret, with good use of humour.”Sister, Hull and East Yorkshire Hospital Trust
“Made a boring subject interesting and fun – Thank you.”Sister, Hull and East Yorkshire Hospital Trust
“This or a similar course should be mandatory to budget holders. Should be available at start of careers.” Service Manager, Airedale NHS Trust
“I feel this should be ‘essential’ training for all managers / budget holders within the NHS. The financial position of the NHS would, I feel, be in a far better position.”Medical Education Manager, Barnsley Hospital NHS FT
“Very helpful day!”Head of Public Health Intelligence, NHS Doncaster
“Entertaining and very understandable and user friendly. This is prospective training and hopefully will stand me in good stead for the future.” Deputy Laboratory Manager, HEY Hospital Trust
“Very enjoyable and informative with excellent explanations to make understanding simple. Very relevant to practice.”Lead Nurse Urology, Sheffield Children’s NHS Trust
“I was not looking forward to today, it has been informative, funny and I feel I have learnt a lot.”Clinical Manager, Humber Mental Health Foundation Trust
“An easy to understand course extremely valuable to budget management in the NHS. Thank you.” Deputy Directorate Manager, York Teaching Hospitals NHS FT
“Excellent course – definitely enjoyable of a subject so relevant in today’s climate.”Service Manager, Humber NHS FT
“I have found this probably the most interesting and useful course ever. Found the delivery of the course excellent.”Unit Manager, Humber NHS FT
“It should be a requirement for all budget holders. Made budgeting clearer and slightly more simple. I am sure it will make a difference to patients!”Lead Nurse Practitioner, Airedale NHS FT


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