“Wish I had been supported with this information years ago.”

The NHS Budget Holder's Survival Guide

NHS Leeds is always a welcoming place and staff are always so positive despite the organisational change happening all around them. Here are just a few of the comments from delegates at today’s workshop of The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide:

“Well presented workshop. Good mixture of theory and practice.”Florence McDonagh, Clinical Director, Child Health
“Extremely enjoyable and interesting – hope to be able to apply knowledge gained on a monthly basis when looking at the budget reports!” Maggie Wood, Healthcare Manager, HMP Leeds
“The day went very fast which is a sign it was so interesting and engaging. Exactly the information I wanted to know.” Jane Savage, Clinical Team Manager, Rehab & Neurology
“Very good. I really enjoyed today.” Calvin Booth, Clinical Director, Dental Service
“Extremely well presented and interactive. One of the most useful ‘1 day’ training days I have been on.”Dr Manisha Singh, Medical Lead, CASH
“Thank you. Wish I had been supported with this information years ago, it would have made the finance part of my job easier and made me more effective. “Celia Firmin, Head of Nutrition & Dietetic Services

Many thanks to everyone involved.


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