Marketing Yourself and Your Service – Barnet

Marketing Yourself and Your Service

Marketing is a relatively new discipline to become of vital importance to the NHS. The Chartered Institute of Marketing is clear of the benefits that marketing techniques can bring to create a patient-led NHS and an equitable service with improvements in customer care and reductions in complaints.

As a qualified accountant with a marketing qualification I always enjoy running Marketing Your Service workshops. Barnet Hospital was very welcoming and a large group of staff had a busy, challenging and thought-provoking day going through practical exercises to change their services to being more patient-led and more equitable.

Comments included:

“Very informative. Enjoyed the sense of humour and delivery of information. Certainly gave good ideas and plenty of food for thought. Pace of info supplied just right.” Andrea van Eck, Therapies New Ways of Working Lead
“Understanding how to go about improving / redesigning our service i.e. working backwards from the patient benefits.” Claire Austen, Clinical Lead
“Improved understanding on how to understand patient needs and not confusing patient benefits with service benefits.” Talia Levin, OT Clinical Lead
“Evaluate current and prospective service to meet demands of patients and providers. Timekeeping excellent. Good mix of talk and task.” Pat Canning, Senior Physiotherapist
“Very useful – pitched very well to our department / service.”Julie Flannigan, Clinical Lead Physio – Neurology
“Made relevant to the NHS with useful examples.” Helen Andrews, Dietetic Service Lead
“It has given me ideas about expanding our service and making it more patient focused.”Sara Gray, Deputy Dietetic Service Lead
“Excellent course, good content not too complicated. Practical examples and exercises. Excellent tutor – made it entertaining.” Nancy Venables, Physiotherapist


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