The Budget Holder’s Survival Guide – West Yorkshire

The NHS Budget Holder's Survival Guide

I delivered The Budget Holder’s Survival Guide today in Keighley, West Yorkshire. Fifteen people attended and every one of them rated their overall impression of the day as ‘Excellent’ and their overall impression of the speaker as ‘Excellent’.

Here are some of the comments made:

“Can’t believe how such a ‘dry’ subject could be presented in such an interesting and enjoyable way – thank you.” – Community Midwifery Manager

“Never change the way that you deliver it” – Senior Charge Nurse

“Extremely enjoyable course – I’ve been a budget holder for 6 years and learned a lot from the day.” – Head of Radiology and Neurophysiology

“Superb, relevant study day.” – Senior Sister OPD

“Thanks. Excellent. A must for all budget holders.” – Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Manager

“This is a very deep and dull topic. David made this day very interesting. Lots of information given in an excellent way. This was the best study day I’d ever attended. Thank you.” – Specialist Pharmacist Technician

“The course was entertaining with excellent advice and information.” – Mobility Services Manager

“David is a brilliant facilitator, made the day enjoyable and humorous. Thanks.” – Senior Sister

“An extremely engaging and motivating speaker. Never thought that budgets could be made interesting!” – ANC/Maternity Assessment Centre Manager


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